Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Everyone gets mad at their roommate sometimes. That's normal, right? Yea, man, the tensions starting to get thick between me & Nien. Our sleeping habits just don't seem to coincide well. He likes it completely dark and completely silent when he's trying to sleep, which doesn't work out so well cuz I stay up late on the computer.

Well, last night, I got semi-chased out of the room so that Nien could sleep. I think we're still in the phase where we're still trying to be polite to each other, so we don't say exactly what's on our minds, but rather just hint at it. Yea, I caught the hint: get off your dang computer, I'm trying to sleep! Since I wasn't remotely sleepy at all, I decided to go outside for awhile rather than hit the sack. I did a little laundry and then chilled across the hall at Victor & Fulbert's and watched them play Battlefield 1942; it seems really cool.

*Oh yea, and Nien said he needed to borrow a straight edge, so I told him to get one of the triangles out of my drafting kit. I look over a bit later and see him using the engineer's scale (like a deluxe ruler) to draw straight lines. Nyaaagggg... I mean, I guess the average person wouldn't know, but that's like using Excalibur to chop trees or something equally horrendous. You just don't use your good tools for such mundane tasks. I remember on the first real day of drafting class, the professor was like, "Using the scale as a straight edge is like engineering heresy!" Heh, so yea, I guess next time I better actually hand him one of the triangles.


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