Friday, October 25, 2002

UT recently got a batch of defective popsicles. How can a popsicle be defective you ask? Well, this brand prints jokes on the sticks, and usually the exposed part is on the handle part, and you have to eat away the popsicle to get to the punchline. Yea, well this batch has the punchline exposed instead... weird. But yea, I've eaten enough popsicles that in most cases I can guess the joke from the punchline, hahaha. Am I good or what? Heh, naw, that probably means I just eat too many popsicles or something. =P

In other news, my computer sucks... with a vengeance! In addition to the fact that it usually reboots itself in BIOS about 3 times (on average) before it'll load the OS, I found out that the CD burner doesn't burn! Agghhhh... OH, and don't even get me started on the tech support. They sent me a new power supply cuz they thought that was the problem, and they told me to send my old one back. Well, a couple weeks later, they mail it back to me, saying that they don't carry this brand. So I called them and was all like, "If this part doesn't belong to you guys, THEN TELL ME WHAT IT WAS DOING INSIDE MY COMPUTER!!! What else is inside my computer that you can't account for?" And the tech guys had terrible English, so I asked to speak with the manager; they put me on hold for like 20 minutes before telling me the manager left 10 minutes ago. So I decided to call again this afternoon. They put me on hold for 20 minutes before I had a chance to even ask for the manager. I waited as the clock ticked past 7:00 (or 5:00 PST, where the company's located) when the manager leaves, but I decided to stay on the line just to humor them. At about 7:25, they hung up on me. geez... this company's trying to scam me. Arrggg... I was such a chump to be suckered in by the low prices; I shoulda known it was too good to be true. =(


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