Sunday, October 06, 2002

Man, last night (or rather, early this morning) I finished my shower only to realize that I had forgotten to bring my towel. It was like, awww CRAP, hahaha. Yea, the only options that came to mind were: 1) to dry off with my dirty clothes and thus render my shower useless, or 2) to get my pajamas all wet. I decided to go with the latter option. It wasn't until afterwards that it occurred to me that I really had a third option: to streak back to my dorm, hahaha. It was really late, I doubt anyone would have been out in the halls at that hour anyways. Haha, naw, but seriously, I think I'm a little too conservative with my body to ever streak... But I do see how it could be quite exhilarating. =P

*In other news, I think my counter is busted. =(

**Oh yea, and this weekend was the second time I've been told I look like Chris Klein. hmmmm... seriously, I don't see the resemblance at all. But yea, I was discussing with a friend the other night about how you never see the resemblance yourself when people say you look like someone else. It's probably cuz you're too familiar with your own face to ever get it confused. I dunno... hard to explain.


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