Monday, September 16, 2002

I got a letter a couple days ago from the Freshman Admissions Center inviting me to participate in a web journal project following the experiences of 6 entering freshmen. I was kinda skeptical at first, cuz I didn't really wanna waste my time if it wasn't a very exclusive invitation. Well, I decided what the hell... and I sent in a writing sample to be considered. I dunno, I figger I'm gonna write about my experiences anyways, and if they wanna use 'em, that's cool.

But yea, once I got to writing, I realized that I still kinda hafta censor my thoughts a little- I don't think it would be in my best interests to express certain ideas. To put it another way: if it weren't for the administrative audience, the essay would read a lot more negatively. And there's a word limit too, so I can't just rant on and on. Well, anyways, here's what I sent in for my writing sample:

"Man, whoever said college was easy must have been a business major! (*1) I came to college with the picture in my head that campus life was laid back with plenty of free time. Geez, was I sorely mistaken- the homework piles up seemingly overnight. With freedom comes responsibility, and I'm finding it harder than I imagined adjusting to college life. It feels so different from life at home. (*2) There are a bunch of little annoyances that add up to big stress. (*3) Sometimes it's a battle just getting up in the morning and facing the new day. (*4) It's definitely a struggle, but I'm determined to make it- I just need to take these four years one challenge at a time. (*5)"

Footnotes (not included in my submission):
*1 - I was talking with Emily the other day, saying how absolutely stressed out I was by school. Emily (a business student) was like, "what stress? College is like summer camp!" Aauuuggghhhh... that's the difference between engineering & business at college, folks.
*2 - The campus (physical campus & student body) is so much bigger than I had imagined. It's like I'm lost in a crowd. I feel like I'm lacking a sense of identity here. Everything feels so impersonal. And I'm not good with new people, and you don't see new people often enough for them to become old people.
"The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough."
~Ezra Pound "In a Station of the Metro"
*3 - Laundry is now an all day experience. The fact that the nearest restroom is about 5 times farther than I'm used to. Lugging all my shower stuff back & forth. Pants with no pockets... a severe nuisance. The card swiper that takes like 5 tries... uggghhh, the list of annoyances goes on & on...
*4 - This is a drastic understatement! I'll sit in my dorm doing nothing in the morning but think about how I don't wanna go through the day. I find myself up late at night, not wanting to sleep- fearing the arrival of the morrow. *sigh* Days feel so long and torturous here... =/ It's gonna be a looooooong 4 years
*5 - All y'all who know me should know I would probably never end a passage like this. Hah, a slight bit on the tacky side.


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