Sunday, May 19, 2002

OMG! so screwed... 3 papers due tomorrow, plus make-up AP's to cram for, etc. Yea, an all-nighter is all but a certainty now, blehhh...

*I had to go in to A&M today to prep a poster for a presentation that we're doing in 2 days at an agriculture convention. Yea, I was working on it for like 2 hours, and then Microsoft Publisher crashes on me. NoOoooOOOOoo!!! Well, it only took me 1 hour to do it all again... after that, I was like, screw it, I'll let my mentor figure the rest out. Then, I made a little showing at our school LASER (science fair club) party. They did it at Main Event, and we played laser tag, haha, how fitting for our club, no? Yea, we were all on the same team, and as a whole, we REALLY sucked it up, hahaha. I managed to get the high score of the game though... scoring more points than the rest of my team combined... but we got slaughtered nonetheless. Then it was back home to die working on hw.


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