Saturday, May 04, 2002

My mom went back to Taiwan on Wednesday. =(

We got a new computer- a 1.1 GHz Celeron. I thought it'd be a lot faster, but it wasn't. And it runs Windows XP, which is just bleeeehhhhhh!!! It tries to be too helpful, and ends up just being a nuisance. So I spent a long time trying to configure it to be as close to Windows 98 as I could get it. Oh, and our home networking system didn't work with XP- had to download a bunch of junk and overhaul the software. Conclusion? XP is a pain in the butt!

On Thursday, we had a "senior brunch," which consisted of cookies and nachos... kinda lame. We had an assembly, and I won a $250 scholarship- whatever. And we had our last martial arts club meeting of the year too. After the meeting, I treated the guys to Java... *sigh* The memories... =(

Darius's (surprise) birthday party was tonight. His sister coordinated it, so I bet a lot of his friends didn't get invited. =/ Well, it was pretty cool; I still find it hard to believe that Darius didn't suspect a thing. Anyways, we watched tv and people played DDR. I ate a ton of food, as always. We had cake & icecream... For some reason I can't remember, we decided to see how fast everyone could eat large amounts of icecream. It was hilarious. As for presents, people gave more gag gifts than real gifts, haha. Tracy got him Sock-em-Boppers, haha, those things are soooo fun. Mike & I split the cost to get one of those Gundam models. Darius didn't look particularly impressed; he was like, "when am I ever gonna build this thing?" Heh, later on in the party, Vivian and I built like the entire thing for him- sooooooo fun! Hahaha, most fun part of the entire party! =P


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