Thursday, April 04, 2002

I attended a UT engineering dinner banquet tonight. They hosted it inside the EDS building; I'd never actually been inside before- it's really nice in there. Well, nothing exciting happened; same information they always give, rehashed yet again. And apparently, they give out the same parting gifts at all their events too- I got the exact same t-shirt/pocket protector combo as last time.

Oh, and I asked about the honors program, and apparently I was supposed to have found out my status already. Hmmmm... awfully suspicious. You know, actually, I'm kinda worried, cuz I had the school registrar mail it for me. But the day I handed it to them, the lady that's usually running it was sick, and they had like a sub who didn't really act like what she was doing. Man, if UT never got my app, SOMEBODY AT THE REGISTRAR IS GONNA DIE!!!


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