Sunday, March 10, 2002

I watched Stormriders today- it wasn't quite as good as I'd hoped it'd be (; I had high expectations), but I guess it was amusing. The first 30-60 minutes really captivated my imagination, but the story was kinda downhill from there- kinda goofy, actually. But the special effects made up for it. I really liked the character of Cloud, he reminds me of myself taken to the extreme, and about 20... wait no, more like 100 times cooler! =P Man, I wish I could do martial arts like in the movie.

I got kinda depressed thinking about how I've been training kung fu for quite awhile, but in the grand scheme of things, I have not become significantly more powerful. *sigh* If I could have one wish right now, it would be for unstoppable power.


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