Thursday, January 17, 2002

CRIKEY!!! My tooth nearly got knocked out! And my lower lip is swollen to about 2 times normal size. We were doing shuai jiao at martial arts club, and my head got thrown downwards, and it collided with my knee. It knocked my top front left tooth backwards. The funny thing is, at the time, it didn't hurt at all; I was like, "I'm fine. Bring it!" And they were like, "Dude, there's blood coming out of your mouth." I checked it out, and my tooth was tilted backwards about 30 degrees. I bent it forward, and it kinda snapped back into place & stayed. My lip feels like it's on fire- my teeth tore off a sizable portion of skin. Man, as I was walking, I could feel the extra mass of the swollen lip bobbing up and down. Uuugghh... I look like Bubba from Forrest Gump. DANG it! =(


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