Sunday, October 07, 2001

I just had a dream about a Gundam arcade game that was a cross between Virtual On and Counterstrike (, Mechwarrior-ish, I guess). These teams of 4 robots were like duking it out in a snow-filled plain with like rockets, machine guns, beam swords, and everything. One team was in Taurus mobile suits (or maybe Epyons, couldn't tell... something red/black), and the other was in Gundams (, not fair, huh? haha, oh well, it was just a dream). Well, the even cooler part was, in the spectator area, there was like a humongous 3-D (hologram?) projector (, or a very convincing tv), so it was like you were watching real 20 ft. robots fight. I think the game was called like "GEARR" or something... not like it matters, it wasn't real. But anyways, I was on a team with my kung fu buddies, and we were dominating, haha.

Hey, wouldn't it be awesome if this were like that episode of "Futurama" where a company invades your dreams to advertise its product? Man, that would be so cool if they really made something like this.


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