Sunday, September 30, 2001

Tonight, I went to Kampai, the sushi place that Thai works at, with John, Winnie, Tae, and Tae's sister. It was pretty cool. I left a pretty hefty tip for Thai, but found out later that something's up with the way he gets paid, so he didn't get all the extra money we left for him... that sucked.

I think they only invited me along cuz John cancelled some earlier plans to take me to the Hong Kong film festival at SMU. So they like invited me to go eat sushi with them out of sympathy. haha, oh well, at least I got some good food- not a bad consolation. We went and chilled at Winnie's place afterwards. Man, her place is awesome- so much cool stuff. We watched the latter half of Legend of Drunken Master on her big-screen tv with SUUuurrrrooouuUNNDDD sound! Then they showed me the internet short film (or something) called "Tokyo Breakfast." Haha, it was hilarious.

I watched the premiere episode of Star Trek: Enterprise (that I had taped) also. I still say The Next Generation is the coolest, but I suppose Enterprise wasn't too bad. I can't really put my finger on why I don't like Enterprise, it just doesn't get me going... oh well. =/


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