Thursday, September 27, 2001

man... sooooo tired... I've only gotten a total of 5 hours of sleep since 6:30 Tuesday morning (09/25/01)... let's see, that's like what, about 67 hours? uggghhh... too tired to do the math. There's only been one instance that I remember where I've slept less than this.

I remember watching an episode of "Pete & Pete" on Nickelodeon (back when it was still on), where the younger Pete was trying to break the world record for staying awake the longest. The record was 10 days straight, I think... man, that's BEAST!

I've always fantasized about like evolving/mutating to a point where my body doesn't need sleep. Then I'd have an extra 6 hours or so every day just to like chill and have fun... or actually do my homework at home for a change, haha. I'm gonna genetically engineer my children so that they wouldn't need sleep! heheh, they'd thank me when they're older.


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