Sunday, August 26, 2001

I took a tour of the (Dallas) Southside Waste Water Treatment plant this morning, for science fair purposes. It was pretty interesting stuff- We (my science fair partner and I) got to see what happens to stuff that gets flushed and how it gets turned back into "normal" water. We also got to see the raw sewage processing systems; man, it smelled like CRAP... literally, hahaha. Then we collected some soils that had been treated with the processed sewage sludge. I realized afterwards that I had brown stuff all over my pants- I reeeeaaaallly hope it was just soil and not... well, you know. Yea, so I was like all paranoid about how I smelled for the rest of the day. Hahah, actually, I'm always worried about how I smell; like any time I smell something funky, I just automatically assume it's coming from me, haha. You'd think with this kinda constant worrying, I woulda invested in some cologne by now.

I just got back from the first day of chinese school. Well, it turns out I technically wasn't demoted, they just moved everyone back a grade (or two). I'm re-learning material that I studied 2 years ago. Man, it's amazing how many people drop. I mean, it's not like chinese school takes a whole lot of time... or at least not for me. That's probably why I can never seem to remember anything, hahaha!


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