Monday, August 13, 2001

I had a doctor's appointment today. I woulda arrived early, so I decided to run to Braum's and get some ice cream before I went. I ended up getting a banana split... mmmm.... sooooo good! =) I was feeling so laid back afterwards that I almost forgot to go to the appointment, hahaha. Well, anyway, then I had my blood pressure taken at the doctor's place... 150/80... ugghh, man, it's back on the rise. =(

And, the most important event of my day: I tested for my brown sash at kung fu tonight. I dunno, I seriously don't think they would have failed me... there's so much politics involved in like everything nowadays. Anyways, I've come to the conclusion that what color sash we wear really means nothing- it's a measure of achievement, not of actual talent. I've got a pretty good idea of how good I am, and I can get a rough idea of others' abilities just by watching them. I've also come to realize that the more skill you acquire, the less you feel like showing off.

Well, anyways, during the test, I started getting really exhausted. All the blood rushed to my head, and I felt like I was going to collapse... maybe it's the blood pressure... grrr... The instructors noticed how red my face was, and said that maybe I need to start watching my diet. And here I am now at home pigging out, hahahaha. Man, I've eaten a ton since I've gotten home: a bowl of oatmeal, a can of tuna, a cup of ramen noodles, a glass of milk, and a mountain dew.


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